About Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
Established in 2023, the EDI Office is dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment within the Faculty of Music. Our mission is to enhance EDI, wellness, and safety through strategic policies, programs, and initiatives. Guided by insights from a Climate and Culture Review completed in 2022, the Office and Faculty are committed to creating spaces where everyone feels they belong and can thrive.
The EDI Director is available for confidential consultations, advising, and resource navigation related to EDI, wellness, and safety. Please connect with us if you need guidance or support, have questions, or wish to provide feedback.
Strategic Priorities

Education and Community Engagement
Enhance awareness and education on EDI principles, tools, strategies to support and guide our communities through cultural shifts and systemic changes that advance EDI and reconciliation, and foster safety, wellness, belonging.

Systems Navigation
Work with those who need safety or EDI-related support to connect with resources that support community members to live, learn, and work in discrimination and harassment free-spaces.
Respond to concerns with sensitivity in ways that demonstrate accountability and enhance access, belonging, and wellness.

Identify and work to remove barriers to education, professional development, and opportunities to engage in meaningful scholarly and artistic work.
Provide equitable opportunities to participate and thrive to all members of our communities, supporting each other to maximize our individual and collective creative potential.
Principles and Guidelines
Projects and Initiatives

Art Refresh Project
In 2023, the EDI Office engaged in a project to refresh art within the Faculty's physical spaces. Showcasing pieces by visual artists from equity-deserving groups and members of the Artists' Jazz Band, 40 works were installed within 90 Wellesley St. West (Faculty of Music South building) and 80 Queen’s Park Crescent (Edward Johnson Building). They include Sorogen by Rita Letendre (1928-2021), Mother and Child: Dissonance by Sarindar Dhaliwal, Three Horns by R. Holland Murray, and A Strong Law Bids us Dance by David Neel.
art(un)done: public lives, private encounters, an exhibition part of the research project, Sustainable pARTnerships: Collaboration and reciprocity in creative cities (Ely Lyonblum, Nasim Niknafs, Laura Risk, Adrian CN Berry, and Hayley Janes) is hung up just outside one the Faculty's second largest performance space, Walter Hall.
The project focuses on improving representation and building a sense of belonging within the Faculty by including visual works by artists from historically underrepresented communities on campus. Featured pieces are from the University of Toronto Art Museum and the Canada Council Art Bank.

Navigation Project
In 2024, the EDI Office completed a project to make wayfinding easier within Faculty of Music buildings. The process involved consulting with the university's AODA Office, and invited community members to provide input on draft signage that included a QR code linking to an anonymous feedback form. More than 150 accessibly designed signs were created, improving accessibility and safety within our physical spaces for students, faculty, librarians, and guests.
Committees and Taskforces
Learning and Unlearning
The EDI Office facilitates professional development opportunities for our community members that align with our Faculty’s commitment to inclusion, belonging, integrity, and accountability. All trainings include information on resources available to community members in need of support.
Questions and feedback about EDI-related training and professional development are welcome and may be shared with the EDI Director.
Meet the Team