Performance Office Classical (Undergraduate & Masters)
Classical Applied Music Evaluation
Year of Study Jury Length Material Prepared Jury Mark *Term Mark 1 & 2 15 min 30 min 40% 60% 3 & 4 20 min 30 min 40% 60% *Attendance Requirement for Voice: Voice Students must attend 10 full Voice Studies performances per school year. Grade breakdown is as follows: 50% Applied Instructor, 40% Jury/Recital, 10% Attendance Credit. This applies to all Undergraduate and Artist Diploma students.
Year of Study Jury Length Material Prepared Jury Mark *Term Mark Recital Mark 1 15 min
(Piano: 20 min)40 min 40% 60% NA 2 20 min
(Piano: 25 min)40 min
(Piano: 45 min)40% 60% NA 3 & 4 NA NA NA 60% 40% *Attendance Requirement for Voice: Voice Students must attend 10 full Voice Studies performances per school year. Grade breakdown is as follows: 50% Applied Instructor, 40% Jury/Recital, 10% Attendance Credit. This applies to all Undergraduate and Artist Diploma students.
Year of Study Jury Length Material Prepared Jury Mark *Term Mark Recital Mark 1 20 min
(Piano: 25 min)40 min
(Piano: 45min)40% 60% NA 2 & 3 NA NA NA 60% 40% *Attendance Requirement for Voice: Voice Students must attend 10 full Voice Studies performances per school year. Grade breakdown is as follows: 50% Applied Instructor, 40% Jury/Recital, 10% Attendance Credit. This applies to all Undergraduate and Artist Diploma students.
Year of Study Term Mark Recital Mark 1 40% 60% Year of Study Term Mark Recital Mark 1 & 2 100% 100%
Juries and Recitals are adjudicated Performance exams.
The University has policies governing the completion of such requirements. Students unable to perform their Jury/Recital for medical or other extenuating documented circumstances are required to:
- Inform the Performance Office and their Applied Instructor immediately.
- Undergraduate Students must file a petition to defer to the Committee on Academic Standing, through the Registrar.
- Masters Students must refer to the Masters Recital Scheduling and Deferrals document.
Jury Information for Undergraduates
Specific Jury Requirements by Instrument can be found on the Performance Office's SharePoint page.
- Requests for Jury Repertoire Lists are e-mailed to teachers in March of the academic year. This list is to be created in consultation with the student and submitted to the Performance Office by the teacher. Any changes to the repertoire, once submitted, must come from the Applied Teacher.
- All examination programs must include at least three contrasting styles.
- Repertoire that appeared in previous juries should not be performed.
- Insufficient preparation of material required or disregard of memorization regulations, where applicable, will adversely affect jury evaluations. Insufficient material will result in a 5% deduction.
Hard copies of all music (parts & scores as applicable) must be supplied to the jury adjudication panel. Provide scores only for the music you are performing. If music is not provided, a deduction may be made at the discretion of the adjudication panel.
Questions about repertoire selection should be brought to the Area Head. When permissions of the Area Head are required, approval must be submitted in writing to the Performance Office.
Recital Information for Undergraduates and Masters
Specific Recital Requirements by Instrument can be found on the Performance Office's SharePoint page.
- All recital programs must include three or more contrasting styles.
- Students wishing to perform as soloist with an ensemble (larger than a quintet) must request approval in writing from the Associate Dean of Performance well in advance of the recital date. The Associate Dean of Performance will make a 10% deduction if this is not followed.
- Repertoire that appeared in previous juries or recitals should not be performed.
- Recitals that go over the maximum or under the minimum time will result in a grading penalty (deduction of 5% if under and 3% if over).
- Recital Programs are due 4 weeks in advance of your recital date and must be submitted by the Applied Instructor directly to
- Electronic programs will be linked to the livestream and the Faculty events listing. Paper copies of the programs will not be provided at the recital.
- Programs that are not prepared and submitted, or poorly presented (spelling, format, accuracy, etc.) will result in a deduction of up to 3%.
Electronic copies of your music for the adjudicator panel must be submitted 2 weeks in advance of your recital date
- Upload online here:
- These must be submitted as PDF files.
- Provide scores only for the music you are performing.
- Number your score file titles, so that it is listed in the order of performance.
All students must complete the In-Person Recital Details form at least 6 weeks in advance of their recital date.
- Requests for specific INSTRUMENT*, EQUIPMENT* or TECHNICAL* needs are to be made using this form. (*May not be possible for all recitals and locations.) Please note, multi-media requirements are not available in Geiger Torel.
- There are no lighting options available for recitals in WH, GT or MT.
Undergraduate, ACP, Artist Diploma, Masters – 1 hour
- Special technical or instrument requests for use during your dress rehearsal should be confirmed with the Performance Office in advance and may not be available. Tech support cannot be guaranteed without two weeks of notice. If your dress rehearsal requires WH tech support, you must schedule the dress rehearsal with the Performance Office at least two weeks in advance of your desired dress rehearsal date.
- Only the performers on the recital, and the Applied Instructor, can be in the hall. No audience will be permitted.
- Undergraduate, ACP, Art Dip and Masters students can book their 1 hour dress rehearsal using the online booking system (available to only those that have been e-mailed the link to date, please wait until you have been sent the link by the Performance Office). Your booking is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation e-mail from the Performance Office (not just the booking system).
Due to the large number of recitals and concerts going on back to back, receptions during recital intermissions are not allowed. Post-recital receptions are only permitted on the third floor of the Edward Johnson Building (no alcohol permitted) or at an off-site facility (eg. restaurant, pub, etc.). There are no exceptions to this policy.
- Faculty of Music venues do not have resident stage managers. It is the responsibility of the student to set up and clear the stage (equipment, stands, etc.).
- The recording technician is not required to assist with stage management.
Questions about repertoire selection should be brought to the Area Head. When permissions of the Area Head are required, approval must be submitted in writing to the Performance Office.
Have a Question?
Contact the Performance Office at