Neville Austin Graduate Colloquium Series | Marjoris Regus (Rutgers University)
80 Queens Park
80 Queens Park
Location: Room 130 of Edward Johnson Building.
You’re warmly invited to the third event of the Neville Austin Graduate Colloquium series for 2024-25. Marjoris Regus (Rutgers University) will join us on Thursday, 10 October to deliver a lecture titled Ni De Aquí, Ni de Allá: Navigating (Non)Inclusion Among Underrepresented Communities in Music Education. The event will take place from 3:30–5 PM in EJB room 130. The lecture will be followed by a small reception.
About the talk
This presentation will explore AfroLatinidad as a cultural identity and examine the values and costs of navigating multiple domains of codeswitching. Additionally, we will discuss strategies for researchers to translate their curiosities into structured dissertation proposals and sustainable research agendas beyond their doctoral studies.
About the speaker
Dr. Marjoris Regus is an Assistant Professor of Music Education at Rutgers University in New Jersey. At Rutgers, she teaches Introduction to Music Education, Philosophy of Music Education, and serves as the Director of Clinical Experience and Practice. Her research interests focus on secondary general music, codeswitching, reggaetón, and the bicultural competencies of first- and second-generation Latiné music students. Her work explores how AfroLatiné students in music degree programs navigate the intersections of racial, ethnic, linguistic, and musical identities. Before joining Rutgers, Dr. Regus was a high school music educator, where she directed the symphonic band, jazz ensembles, orchestra, choir, and taught courses in beginning piano, music theory, and music appreciation.
Accessibility accommodations
The event will be livestreamed on Zoom (https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/82177546572 Passcode: regus Meeting ID: 821 7754 6572) for people who cannot attend in person. Our videoconference streaming will include auto-generated captioning. Additionally, a recording of the event will be available upon request to anyone registered but who cannot join us live due to a care-taking responsibility, a scheduling conflict, or other. If you require any additional accessibility accommodations, please let Antía know in advance by emailing her at a.gonzalezben@utoronto.ca so that we can arrange them accordingly.
The Colloquium Series is made possible in part by a generous gift from Neville Austin.