Policies & Guidelines DMA Performance

Performance Courses

Program Guidelines

Major Field Examination Guidelines

The major field examination (MFE) is the final means of evaluating whether a doctoral student is ready to proceed to formal dissertation research and writing. It is normally the last step to achieving doctoral candidacy. The MFE can be scheduled once the student has completed all coursework and their dissertation proposal has been approved by the DMA proposal committee. Note: in some instances, the MFE can be held before the language requirement is fulfilled. This is subject to approval from the AD, Graduate Education, and candidacy will not be officially granted until the requirement is completed.  

In consultation with the student and committee members, the dissertation supervisor schedules the exam, which takes the form of up to two hours of scholarly discussion about the dissertation project, relevant theoretical and methodological issues, and the dissertation proposal.  The MFE committee normally consists of the supervisor plus two faculty members with expertise in some aspect of the project. All committee members should be full or associate members of Graduate Faculty. In most instances, this committee will continue as the dissertation advisory committee. In some instances, a person with particular expertise might be identified. That person can be added either in addition to the existing committee members or as a replacement for one of them.  

The MFE can be held in-person, remotely, or via mixed delivery at the discretion of the participants.  The examination does not need to be coordinated through the Graduate Office, but the results do need to be communicated to the Graduate Program Administrator so that, upon passing the exam, the student can be advanced to candidacy and the dissertation committee formalized in ROSI. An unsatisfactory examination should also be reported to the Graduate Office along with any directives for remediation. This can include a written response by the student to some aspect of the exam to be evaluated by the committee or, when necessary, reconvening of the exam at a later date. In any instance of remediation, clear instructions for satisfying the examination should be provided by the committee in writing along with a tentative date for the next attempt.  Results should be communicated using this MFE Form. Two failed MFEs are grounds for dismissal from the program.   

The examination is normally based on materials developed during MUS4800 and MUS4899, in particular, the annotated bibliography or literature review, as well as the dissertation proposal and comments from the proposal committee. For students who entered the program prior to fall 2019, the exam will cover the proposal and the Research in Performance Paper.  Before questioning begins, the supervisor, who chairs the exam, should ask the student to leave the room so that the committee can discuss the format of questioning.  Each committee member can ask questions for a designated period of time in one or two rounds, or questions may be offered in a panel format with committee members taking turns with individual questions.  Members are free to ask follow up questions as part of the discussion.

Once the format has been decided, the student should be invited back into the room. There is the option for the examinee to make a brief (10-15 minutes) opening statement, but this is not required. Upon conclusion of the opening statement or if the student elects not to make one, questioning begins.

Questioning can proceed in the manner decided upon by the committee but should address both conceptual material from the bibliography or literature review (or RIP if appropriate) as well as the proposed dissertation project itself (i.e., the proposal, proposal review feedback, and practicalities of completing the research and dissertation writing).  Often it is useful to divide the examination formally between these two broad areas of discussion, but there can be, and often is, overlap. 

Once all committee members have asked their questions, and before two hours have elapsed, the student is again asked to leave the room so that the committee can discuss the exam.  Evaluation is either pass or fail along with recommendations for next steps, including attention to any areas that need further development, beginning research, the next committee meeting, etc. If the exam is not passed, recommendations should include specific directions for improving the outcome as well as a tentative date for the next meeting.

Upon filing of the form documenting a successful MFE (and barring any unfulfilled requirements), the examinee is officially a doctoral candidate.