Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Music Theory
What to expect
The Doctor of Philosophy in Music Theory is an advanced research degree studying musical structure. After completing coursework and sitting comprehensive and field examinations, students prepare an original work of scholarship on theoretical aspects of contemporary or historical music.
Why it stands out
Students are taught and supervised by expert scholars with recognized strengths in area such as tonal analysis, musical form, music cognition, theories of rhythm and meter, history of music theory, nineteenth-century music, and the music of the Second Viennese School. The Faculty of Music is home to the Institute for Music in Canada, the Centre for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Music, and the Music and Health Research Collaboratory.
Who it's for
Students with the desire to address complex questions of musical structure and meaning at a high intellectual level are ideal candidates for this program.
Opportunities for study
The program has close ties with Musicology and Ethnomusicology. Students have exciting opportunities to conduct multidisciplinary research on a broad spectrum of musical styles and genres.
Opportunities after graduation
The program’s doctoral alumni teach and research in universities across North America.
PhD in Music Theory
- PhD Seminar
- Research in Music Theory
- Music Theory Graduate Seminars
- Electives
Core Courses
Students pursue mentored independent research in music theory (the equivalent of a 0.5 full-year course) and take part in graduate seminars in music theory (the equivalent of 1.5 full-year courses).
Electives (the equivalent of one full-year course) consist of choices from Music Theory, Musicology, Ethnomusicology, or another relevant area. Any Music choice or choice from another graduate unit must be approved by the program advising committee and may amount to no more than a 0.5 full-year course.
Other Requirements
Students must complete language requirements, comprehensive and field examinations, and a thesis of original research in music theory.
Complete admission requirements can be found at Application Materials.
Complete information on how to apply can be found at Applying.
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