Headshot of a person wearing a red polka dot blouse, resting their hand gently on their face, with a warm and thoughtful expression.

Congratulations to Dr. Nadia Younan!

September 7, 2023

Dr. Nadia Younan (PhD) is a Canadian-Assyrian-Italian successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in ethnomusicology in the summer of 2023. Her research on the intersections of collective memory, trauma, and resilience in Assyrian music and dance expressions is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Nadia holds a Master of Arts, Ethnomusicology (York University, 2013), and a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Specialized Honours in Music (York University, 2011). Her multi-sited, ethnographic fieldwork also examines the transnational network of Assyrians in diaspora and the significance of expressive culture under circumstances of exile and displacement.