A mirror image of a hand, holding a telephone receiver, over a background of burning buildings.

Music Technology MT&DM Alumni @ Nuit Blanche 2024

Music Technology
Gregory Lee Newsome
September 15, 2024

Music Technology & Digital Media alumni Micki-Lee Smith, Zakriya Bashir-Hill, Diana Lawryshyn, Pratap Mathews, and Yun Young Lee will present the interactive installation 1-800-INF-ERNO as part of Toronto's Nuit Blanche, occurring throughout the night of October 5 and into the morning of October 6, 2024. 

A distortion of perception? Or just a bad connection? This sonic installation explores our connection to the climate crisis.

Location: The Lost & Found
Address: 420 Queen Street East, Toronto ON
Physical Access: Wheelchair accessible, washrooms are not wheelchair accessible

Learn more about 1-800-INF-ERNO on its Nuit Blanche project page